JAVA Programming for Beginner"s: Object Oriented Programming Concepts in JAVA, JAVA Fundamentals,Applet,Networking etc...
Price 107.00 - 112.50 USD
The Java Programming Language course provides students with a solid foundation for programming with Java, including: information about the syntax of the Java programming language; object-oriented programming with the Java programming language; creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), exceptions, file input/output (I/O), and threads; and networking. Programmers familiar with object-oriented concepts can learn how to develop Java technology applications Java was started as a project called "Oak" by James Gosling in 1991. The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995. The pluses to this new language were: •It promised the ability to "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA), providing no cost runtimes on popular platforms, and •Its security was configurable, allowing network and file access to be restricted. Java quickly became a popular programming language. Newer versions of the java programming language had multiple configurations built for different platforms. For example, J2EE for enterprise applications and J2ME for mobile applications.