Active Path Updation for Layered Routing (APULAR) in WMN: A Protocol for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Routing Architecture(IWMRA)

Layered routing architecture performs routing in Wireless mesh Network in three independent layers: a) Neighborhood layer b) Topology layer c) Routing layer Neighborhood layer is responsible for finding the neighbors based on flooding. After finding the neighborhood information, topology layer use flooding to disseminate the neighborhood information all over the network. Only MR’s involve in maintaining all the routing information of the network. The Routing Layer follows different strategies depending on the type of node. In layered routing protocol, source node initiates a path establishing process whenever path breaks. It will cause huge control packets and increase packet loss. we propose initiating the local route repair by destination node.APULAR - Active Path Updation for Layered Rotuing in Wireless Mesh networks for quickly updating the broken path to recover from packet loss.