The Mr Porter Paperback: The Manual for a Stylish Life (Vol. 1)

"The Mr Porter Experience feels like you’ve been counseled by someone who combines the best of a style-savvy older brother, a world- and wardrobe-wise uncle and a personal valet with an impeccable attention to detail." —Los Angeles Times Mr Porter, the global online retail destination for men’s style, not only stocks more than 170 of the world’s leading menswear brands, but provides a haven of advice, information, and male-friendly guidance. The site has proved that fashion can be successfully sold on the internet while appearing alongside compelling editorial content. Now The Mr Porter Paperback defines a whole new generation of men. Elegant, simple, and classically contemporary, the book contains interviews and insider tips—from "How to Appreciate Jazz" to "Creating a Bespoke Bloody Mary" or "Getting Out of a Hair Rut" —as well as recommendations, style commentaries, and insider articles on biker jackets, knitted ties, polo shirts, sweatshirts, tweed or shawl-collared cardigans, and much more. The clever and attractive design happily juxtaposes the Duke of Windsor with David Beckham. As Jeremy Langmead, Mr Porter’s Editor-in-Chief, says: "There are no fashion diktats anymore, no trends you have to follow; today, it’s just about feeling good, looking your best (because you want to), and enjoying every moment of it." 195 illustrations, 86 in color