Kniazheskie Portrety v Rospisi Arkhangel"skogo Sobora Moskovskogo Kremlia: Ikonograficheskaia Programma XVI veka

This album-monograph studies the wall paintings of the Archangel Chapel, a Kremlin church which is the burial place of Russian tsars, as a product of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, who considered glorifying the Russian Church and its holiness to be very important for the fate of his country and supportive of his status as the ruler of Rus. The monograph studies the history of paintings, as well as of their restoration and description. Numerous color illustrations. Glossy paper. Index. Tat"iana Samoilova (b. 1959) based this book on her doctoral thesis. Bibliography (pp. 250-262). Extended summary in English. About 150 illustrations.