The Foundation of Indian Culture, Russian Edition - Osnovy Indiiskoi Kultury

A defence of Indian civilisation and culture, with essays on Indian spirituality, religion, art, literature, and polity.Sri Aurobindo began the "Foundations" series as an appreciative review of Sir John Woodroffe"s book, "Is India Civilised?", continued it with a rebuttal of the hostile criticisms of William Archer in "India and Its Future", and concluded it with his own estimation of India"s civilisation and culture.In Sri Aurobindo"s view India is one of the greatest of the world"s civilisations because of its high spiritual aim and the effective manner in which it has impressed this aim on the forms and rhythms of its life. "A spiritual aspiration was the governing force of this culture", he wrote, "its core of thought, its ruling passion. Not only did it make spirituality the highest aim of life, but it even turn the whole of life towards spirituality." Sri Aurobindo held that an aggressive defence of India culture was necessary to counter the invasion of the predominantly materialistic modern Western culture. His Foundations is precisely such a defence.Contents: Part I: The Issue; Is India Civilised?;Part II: A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture;Part III: A Defence of Indian Culture; Indian Culture and External Influence; The Renaissance in India.