Granny"s Secret - Authentic Home Style Extra Jam - Fig - 375g

Snezana, the creator of Granny"s Secret, grew up in the Serbian capital Belgrade, a city girl but with family roots deep in the Balkan countryside. Summers were spent with the family far from the city and amongst the people who understood nature and carried on the traditional methods of the countryside observing the cycles of the seasons. Is there a better place to grow fruits and vegetables? The winters are certainly harsh but spring brings the warmth of the Mediterranean sun combined with frequent rain. The long summer ripens the crops perfectly ready to be harvested and processed.Granny"s Secret only uses natural and healthy ingredients, using some rare fruits. There is a wide range of benefits to these products, they"re 100% natural, vegan and gluten and dairy free. Inspired by traditional recipes, quality and good taste, Granny"s Secret prepares home-made extra jams and butters. They are prepared exclusively in the domestic environment of the traditional recipes, using fresh fruits exclusively. "No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen." - Epictetus