Classics of Buddhism and Zen, Volume 4: The Collected Translations of Thomas Cleary
Price 23.60 - 45.56 USD
Volume Four of Classics of Buddhism and Zen features several essential works on the practice of Zen koans, including a complete translation of Gateless Barrier , a classic collection of Zen parables, paradoxes, and teaching stories. Also included is a collection of poetry from the Chinese Buddhist poet Wen-Siang. The volume includes: Transmission of Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment This first complete modern translation of the classic Denkoroku illustrates how to attain satori. Unlocking the Zen Koan This translation of the koan classic Wumenguan also includes Cleary"s selection of comments by great Chinese Zen masters. Original Face: An Anthology of Rinzai Zen An anthology of Japanese Rinzai Zen from the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Timeless Spring: A Soto Zen Anthology Contains sayings, informal talks, and public cases of important Soto Zen masters. Zen Antics: 100 Stories of Enlightenment Unlike many of the baffling dialogues between Zen masters preserved in koan literature, the stories retold here are pointedly simple but with a richness and subtlety that make them worth reading again and again. Record of Things Heard: From the Treasury of the Eye of the True Teaching This Zen classic is a collection of talks by the great Japanese Zen Master Dogen, founder of the Soto school. Sleepless Nights: Verses for the Wakeful Among the greatest masterpieces of the secular Buddhist poetry, these verses mock the folly of tyrants and celebrate the indomitability of life.