Rossiia: Na Puti k Vozrozhdeniiu: Sotsial"naia i Sotsial"no-Politicheskaia Situatsiia v Rossii v 2003 Godu [Russia: The way to revival: Social and political situation in Russia in 2003]

This collective monograph of the Institute of Socio-Political Studies present a complex analysis of the social and political situation in Russia in 2003. It is based on the institute"s own surveys and polls, as well as on data of other national and foreign research centers, official statistical data and data of other organizations. The monograph: shows the main social, demographic, economic, and political trends; analyzes the results of economic and social reforms; estimates the social and economic risks of Russia in the epoch of globalization. The last chapter includes the results of the institute"s empirical studies: local and expert surveys on the most sensitive issues of the recent years: reforming local administrative system, human rights, liberalization of the economy, political orientations of students and other significant groups. Includes numerous data and facts on Russian political and social life.