Materialy Biografii M. Bakunina: Bakunin v Pervom Internatsionale: T. 3

Price 2.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785988561415

Brand Letnii Sad

Pages 264

Year of production 2012

Binding 70x100/32

This reprint edition analyzes all names and events mentioned in the works of M. Bakunin (Bakounine, Michel, 1814-1876), the father of Russian anarchism. It is supplied with a detailed commentary. (0.76 kg.). Also available by Bakunin: Anarkhiia i Poriadok (2000); Internatsional, Marks i Evrei: Neizvestnye Raboty Ottsa Russkogo Anarkhizma (2008).