Vserossiiskii Komitet Pomoshchi Golodaiushchim
Price 18.42 USD
This is a collection of documents of the All-Russian Committee of Relief for the Starving, also known as PomGol. The first Pomgol was created by Patriarch Tikhon, named civic All-Union Public Committee for the Relief of Starving. Tikhon appealed to the international religious community and soon some aid began to arrive. The Soviet government disliked this course of affairs, and Tikhon"s Pomgol was disbanded on August 27, 1921. Instead, a government Pomgol was established. It existed during July 1921 - October 1922. It was headed by Mikhail Kalinin, chairman of VTsIK. It coordinated all activity related to famine relief. To this end it established the Pomgol Commissions at all administrative levels of the Soviet state. Pomgol took an active part in requisitioning of Russian Orthodox Church valuables. The collection also includes materials of the criminal cases against the members of the POGol otganizations, who were later repressed by Lenin"s order. Most of these cases were fabricated. (1.105 kg.)