Russian Lacquers Painting: 21st Century

Vypolnennye v HHI veke raboty hudozhnikov vseh rossijskih lakovyh centrov (Fedoskino, Paleha, Holuja, Mstery), a takzhe Moskvy i Sankt-Peterburga, zastavljajut po-novomu vzgljanut" na iskusstvo lakovoj miniatjury. Na stranicah al"boma - zhanrovoe i sjuzhetnoe mnogoobrazie predstavlennyh rabot, original"nost" tvorcheskogo pocherka ih sozdatelej, polet fantazii hudozhnikov, rezul"taty ih tvorcheskih poiskov i jeksperimentov. The lacquer miniature painting in Russia, so very popular in 19th-20th centuries is still developing, transforming and being enriched thanks to new approaches to the interpretation of well-known subjects, as well as thanks to absolutely new themes and images. The album includes works by the artists from all Russian handicraft lacquer miniature centers, as well as from Moscow and St Petersburg. The book is meant for a wide range of readers.