Warhammer: Dark Elves (English)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781782530947

For Thousands of years, the Dark Elves have plundered the riches of the world, using the blood and treasure of distant lands to fuel their war against the High Elves. From his iron throne, the Witch King musters armies to assail civilisation. Corsairs descend on trading ports leaving only death in their wake, sorceresses conjure the blackest of magics to consume the foe and crazed devotees of the Bloody-Handed God slaughter their way across entire kingdoms. Let the craven cower behind their walls; nowhere is safe when the Dark Elves march to war.A description of, and rules for, the forces of the Dark Elves, their monstrous beasts of war, their dark-hearted warriors, and their special characters.