hacker attack and defense from the entry to the master(Chinese Edition)
Paperback. Pub Date: November 2010 Pages: 350 in Publisher: Tsinghua University Press book is a book about the hacker attack and defense. the main contents include preparatory work before the hackers basics. use of hacking tools. hacker attacks. vulnerabilities offensive and defensive and password offensive and defensive. instant messaging tools qq and msn offensive and defensive. e-mail. offensive and defensive. arp spoofing attack and defense. the Trojans offense and defense. RMON offense and defense. backdoor exploits. and traces Clear. network security and defense. to enhance the performance of computer network defense and the establishment of security defense system knowledge . The book is rich in content. and a total of 14 chapters divided into three knowledge points arranged according to the degree of difficulty of learning as well as the severity of the application i...