Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I, Exhibited in a Series O

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1791. Excerpt: ... N CCXLIII. Orders set downe and agreed uppon by the right honorable the Lord BURGHLEY, Lord Tbresorer of England, and Lo. Leiutenant of the Countie of Hertf. for the better arminge, and more speedie furnisbinge, of the Souldiers therein, aswell Horsemen as Footemen, by vertue of her Majestie"s Comission of Leiutenancie to him directed, the daie of 1589. For the Deputie Lieutenants. First, that before the xxvi daie of Marche they doe make a Talbot generall view and muster of all the able men wtMn the shire, from voiumeN. the age of xvi yeares and upwards; wherein they are to have an fo1,1 especial care to make there books so perfect as, uppon anie sodaine occasion, they maie from tyme to tyme make a p"sent levie of such able and serviceable men as from the Lo. Leiuten shalbe comanded and appointed. Item, To make p"fect bookes of all armor, and warlike weapons and furniture, wthin the shire, as well private as common; whereby the better appeares what nomber of soldiers uppo" anie occasion maie be armed and furnished wthin the shire, over & besides the ordinary trayned bands. Item, To looke carefullye to the furnishinge and well keepinge of all the store of powder, matche, and bullett, appoincted to be distributed into sondry places of the shire, for the sudden and ready furnishinge of the shott. Item, In like sorte to call uppon the Captaines, carefully to looke to the well and orderly keepinge of the armor, and other warlike furniture of the trained bands, whereby the same may be in a readines whensoevr they shalbe called for. Item, Y no soldieryt hath bene enrowled in anieof the Captaine"s trained bandes shalbe discharged out of the same in respect of the livery or s"rvice of anie nobleman, except he was the howsehold srvant of anie nobleman. Item, Yt no ...