Sovershenno Sekretno: Lubianka Stalinu O Polozhenii V Strane: 1922-1934: Tom 3, Chast" 1

This is volume 3, part 1, of the multi-volume fundamental publication of documents, informational digests and reports of the secret police OGPU, is unique in its scholarly significance, its value, subject matter, and magnitude. For years these papers were kept under wraps in tight secrecy. This historical source reveals a vast panorama of the social, political, and economic life of the country in its variety. The main emphasis above all is on the society"s state of body and soul, the workers", peasants", intellectuals", and clergy"s opinions of the powers that be. T publication unearths OGPU"s own system of information organization, its level of perfection and its main fields of interest. This publication enables researchers to arrive at novel conceptual judgements with regard to the cardinal problems of soviet society. Part one (ISBN 5805500698).