A.L.I.C.E. with Jesus: A LIfe-Changing Experience with Jesus
Price 59.00 - 64.06 USD
The present book is about how you can follow Jesus Christ in your daily life. Following Jesus is a life-changing experience, beginning with an inner peace with God, with yourself, and with other people surrounding you. We hope that you will experience God in your life, and your life will be transformed thoroughly. The idea of this book came to me in a dream after watching a very good movie at one afternoon at December 27, 2013. The title of that movie is “A Thousand Words”, with actor includes Eddie Murphy. The lesson that I learned through that movie is that you should live like a new person (or ‘re-born’ in Christian term), and it can be a true reality once you can live peacefully with God, with yourself, with your father, with your mother, and with everyone that you are connected with. Only if you live peacefully with everyone including with God and with yourself, then you will live happily no matter what. If you follow through the articles in this book one article each day for sixth days and take a rest in the seventh day, then within a few weeks you will complete reading this book, and you will get A.L.I.C.E. with Jesus. That would mean A life-changing experience with Jesus