Russkaia Zarubezhnaia Tserkov" v 1939-1964

This is the second monograph by the author about forming and development of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. The first one, Russkaia Zarubezhnaia Tserkov" v Pervoi Polovine 1920-kh Godov (2007), covered the 1920s. The current volume deals with the WWII period and the postwar period up to 1964. The author addresses several real issues in this history: the relations with the Russian patriarchate; attitude towards Hitler, the Fascist movement and WWII, etc. This book does not take the positions of either side, but rather shows strong and weak reasons in their polemics. The monograph is based on archival materials, memoirs and correspondence. Appendices and short biographical sketches of persons mentioned in the book. (0.515 kg.)