Moskva. Putevoditel po mestam, gde sbyvayutsya mechty / Moscow: Wishes Guidebook
Price 3.95 - 5.39 USD
book24.ru3.95 USD
labirint.ru5.39 USD
Буквоед интернет магазин5.28 USD
Pered vami neobychnyi putevoditel: on rasskazhet vam o volshebnykh i tainstvennykh ugolkakh Moskvy, gde sbyvaiutsia samye sokrovennye zhelaniia. Vy uznaete, kakie pamiatniki slaviatsia sposobnostiu ispolniat mechty, a takzhe o tom, chto nuzhno sdelat, chtoby zhelanie sbylos nepremenno. Inogda, chtoby mechta osushchestvilas, neobkhodimo sovershit opredelennyi ritual. Esli vy khotite pobyvat v etikh mestakh i ispytat magiiu stolitcy na sebe - priglashaiu v puteshestvie! This unusual city guidebook will tell you about the most mysterious and magical places of Moscow. These places and monuments are known for their capacity to make the strongest dreams come true. Sometimes you will have to carry out a specific ritual to make sure your wish comes to life. Welcome to out secret mystery tour! The city magic will work for you to make all your wishes come true, and you will have lots of fun in any case!