Put" zla. Zapad: matritsa global"noj gegemonii (Maksim Kalashnikov rekomenduet)

Price 6.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785170373703

Brand AST

Pages 544

Year of production 2007

Binding 84x108/32

Stock in Eastern Europe. The Path of Evil. West: Matrix of Global Hegemony. The investigation presents the systemic analysis of Occidental civilization. It integrates social-political, spiritual-psychological, cultural and geopolitical aspects of its existence in a single whole in the context of historical development. The author traces in detail the historical process of formation of western multilevel system of total control from the epoch of colonial empires till the contemporary stage of globalization. It gives a well-founded forecast of how the last stage of centuries-old West expansion will be completed as well..