The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Seventh Edition

Since its first edition in 1982, the Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas has become the most trusted source of accurate coordinates and anatomical information in laboratories throughout the world. It has been cited over 60,000 times, making it the most cited publication in neuroscience. The seventh edition incorporates new findings on developmental gene expression and presents the boundaries of neuromeres in sagittal sections.* 161 thoroughly revised coronal diagrams and accompanying photographic plates spaced at 120 µm intervals * 19 thoroughly revised sagittal diagrams and accompanying photographic plates * 27 thoroughly revised horizontal diagrams and accompanying photographic plates * Photographic plates printed from high resolution digital images in color * Diagrams of all spinal cord segments * The most accurate and virtually universally used stereotaxic coordinate system * Neuromeric segments delineated in sagittal sections * A "mini-atlas" of 14 diagrams to assist beginning students of neuroanatomy * Over 1000 structures identified * Electronic diagrams available to purchasers of this book via a companion web site (