ABO and genetic risk factors associated with venous thrombosis: ABO, factor V-Leiden and FVIII are a risk factors associated with venous thrombosis

In Sudan, Vein Thromboembolism (DVT/PE) increases the rate of morbidity and mortality among young individuals. While the impact of the acquired risk factors in VTE are well established, information"s about influencing of hereditary risk factors ( genetic mutations) in VTE and translation of this risk information"s to clinical practices are still need to be clarify. This book therefore, aimed to identify the most common hereditary & acquired risk factors associated with VTE and to correlate the finding with the clinical applications of thrombophilia screening tests. Our finding in this book showed that, hereditary risk factors particularly, factor V-Leiden, factor II G20210A mutations, non-O blood group, elevated concentrations of factors VIII and von Willebrand proteins were the most important risk factors for VTE among Sudanese patients. The results showed that, these findings should change the therapeutic policy into lifelong prophylactic therapy in patients with genetics risk factors and individual with high level of Factor VIII. Initial workup for thrombophilia should include these factor but not Prothrombin II G20210A gene mutation.