EASY C/C++: An Easy Approach to C/C++

The book has been written after five years researchto find the answer of a query “Why University levelcomputer sciences students are bad in programming “,in the presence of so many books of C/C++.Authors ofthe book have hand on experience of programming andteaching, and have utilized their class roomexperience in making this book very easy tounderstand for the beginners of C/C++ programming.This book is divided in two main portions, firstportion answer the question “How to developprogramming logic”, whereas second portion discussabout programming structures. One chapter of bookalso discussed about the fundamentals of computerbecause before starting programming students have toknow about the basic things.we have discussed aboutthe basic functionality and working mechanism ofC/C++ languages programs. We have extensively usedpictures to explain the programming concept.A mostimportant thing of this research book is every codementioned was tested before writing in book. We havetried our best to make book as easy as possible forthe beginners.The purpose of this book is to introduce an easyapproach and techniques, for the understandability ofCC++ programming.