Enhanced & Generalised E-Governance Security Framework (EG)2SF

Human life is in today’s world is surrounded with technology. Technology has left hardly any space for non-technical things. When society is influenced, the security system or the way that society is governed changes for sure. It is a social phenomenon. With the enormous speed of development of technology governance “by the states is also not only governance” but it is turning out to be an “E-governance”. Even though, private sector is behind the creation of world class Information Technology still the government is focusing the public sector for implementation of E-governance. If we use biometric password for the online transaction, filling ITR, apply passport, Bill payment etc . then this type of system implementation would be highly secured. At present, in India, uss of such system are a remote possibility. The researcher seeks to discuss the boundaries of E-governance with the challenges involved in the techno-legal management, control and new systems like introduction of Unique Identity Cards in India.. By touching this future concept, we trying to study various social, legal and technical issues that is like a question before the present and the generations to come.