Victim of Greed: The consequences of Greed

Price 41.00 - 43.74 USD

Victim of Greed is a fiction account of a young man, who, becomes corrupted by money and power. Chika meets the woman who changed his life when he goes in search of job after graduation from the university. Bunmi and Chika fall in love, but her father, Senator Harrison, does not approve of the relationship because of Chika’s poor background. They decide to elope. Not quite long Biola is kidnapped, drugged and raped. Courageous Chika joins a criminal gang and rescues his beloved Biola after a series of bloody encounters. Impressed by Chika’s bravery, Senator Harrison finally gives the couple his consent, and they married. Senator Harrison gives him a job in his company and later introduces Chika into politics where he can make more money and acquire power. Chika’s involvement in politics for gluttonous reasons starts him on a nightmarish odyssey that claims the lives of his wife, Biola and his son, Chukwugozi. Chika escapes death narrowly, but loses his right arm. He becomes devastated. Chika realizes that a man can be very wealthy and powerful, yet unhappy and unfulfilled; and that the road to ruin is a short one.