Aspire ESP30w box mod Authentic Product

Price 48.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 849660011274

Brand Aspire

30W Aspire ESP VW Carbon MOD Battery - 1900mAh, a high quality variable wattage (5w to 30w) ecig mod. It comes with OLED screen and 510 thread. Can work with minimum 0.3ohm atomziers. Screen display: The Screen will display the battery power, resistance of atomizer, wattage and voltage. When the atomizer is not detected, the Screen will display "Check atomize". When the mod is in low power, the Screen will display "Check battery". Pass-through: The mod is charged by micro USB cable; the light is red when charging and it will turn to green when fully charged. You can use the Mod while it"s charging.