The Bleedin" Obvious Way to Improve Quality in Your Business

I do not know what your occupation might be. You may be a shop worker, a managing director, a machinist, a waiter, employed by the National Health Service, a quality manager or a production worker in industry. However, what I do know is that everything you do matters. This book is for you because you are interested enough to want to read about quality; you want to improve the standing of the business you are in; you are interested in quality of performance, quality of product and quality of service. This book is designed to give you an easy-to-read guide to the basics of good quality practice. When applied in your business, these basics will lead to improvement. I know this will happen because I have seen it happen throughout my time leading quality improvement in many different businesses around the world. The object of this book is to encourage universal application of the basic, simple and obvious quality practices.