Message for All American Conservatives

My wish is to reform the Republican Party from within. As it is now and in the future, it will continue to be a party divided unless something is done soon to unify the base of the party around specific conservative issues. The Republican Party needs to strengthen its resolve with pure conservative values, and there is a genuine need for a new, stronger Republican Party platform. This nation has always been founded on liberty as a republic. With liberty comes freedom of self and the family, and this freedom is apparent in "My Solemn Pledge." Signing is an oath that gives testimony to the values that this nation was and is based upon. The principles our founding fathers had for our nation when they left British rule. Liberty will quite simply never be found in a large, liberal government. The Republican Party and the Tea Party must merge into the new conservative Republican Party as leaders for change. It is this new party platform that must take the lead. Together, they will be larger and have far more support from the American people. The new pledge will gather more votes to defeat the Democrats and their liberal agendas. Bradley Panvino is the author of: The Unauthorized Conservatives Handbook and Common Ground: The Living Principle