Help Yourself to More Ideas - How You Can Use The Power of Creativity to Change Your Business, Your Life, and The World

"I"m Sure You"ve Heard This Joke..." You know that old joke about ideas...everybody has one. Being in business, you also know (and have seen) that a truly creative person can take an idea and turn it into big money. This is why creative people earn such a great living. And not only do creative people make a lot of money, they also have an easier life. The world cuts creative people slack, because they"re the "engine" that drives everything. So where does that leave everybody else? More importantly, where does that leave you? If you think creativity is something you"re born with (or not), you"re wrong! This is a skill that can be learned by anybody, at any age, and I"m the guy to teach it to you. In short... "I"ll Show You How To Be More Creative...and Excel At Your Business!" This book contains a "big idea creation plan", with over 50 years of proven success. It covers everything you need to know to be more creative and come up with the ideas that will dramatically improve your life in a big way. Just a few of the things you"ll learn in this book: - How to Identify Blocks That Keep You from Being Creative (and How to Destroy Them!) - The 2 Most Essential Things You Must Have to Make Money with Your Creative Ideas - 5 Steps to Using Creativity to Solve Any Problem (Work or Personal) - How to Spot Creative Potential in Others (and Outsource Your Work!) - The 5 Primary Characteristics of Highly Creative People (and How to Develop Them!) Written decades ago in a no-nonsense style, this book is your opportunity to learn from a true "master" of creativity and shortcut your journey to the top. Once you read this book, the way you do business and the impact you have within your industry will change completely! If you want to make more money and get ahead by taking your ideas from thought to reality, get this book!