Networking: Naked and Unafraid

Price 19.95 - 33.63 USD

Does the thought of networking cause you to break out in a cold sweat? Do you ever feel like you are the only one in the room who doesn"t know the secret handshake? Even if you"ve been able to overcome those issues, have you been able to actually make networking work for you? There is a certain etiquette, or protocol, that is expected when it comes to business networking and few have any idea what that entails. Many business people go about networking making lots of errors that sabotage their efforts. People will forgive you for being an unschooled newbie for a while but if you never attempt to become educated, then you will most assuredly lose respect and potential business opportunities will vanish. This book reveals the real secret to networking that is actually fun and gets results. Kathryn uses her personal experience and time tested techniques to demystify networking and allow you to leverage this powerful resource to expand your business. #NetworkingNaked About the Author Kathryn is a professional motivational speaker, networking instructor, blogger and author. In 2010, she launched her own website, Woman"s InSite followed a few years later by her establishment of the Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate. Kathryn enthusiastically teaches her proven networking methods to all who are looking for answers on what makes networking work.