A Non-Duality Press Sampler No.2

Since its inception in 2004, Non-Duality Press has set out to make available the clearest contemporary writing on non-duality. Each author, in his or her unique way, attempts to express the inexpressible. They point to "our original face", the ground of being, using everyday language without abstruse jargon, but informed by a depth and width of experience of western and eastern paths. Beyond new age fads and therapies, these are contemporary expressions of the perennial philosophy. A Non-Duality Press Sampler, Issue No. 2, contains short biographical introductions to the authors and extracts from each of their books. Wherever possible, references are given to further reading and interviews with the authors. The first chapter includes a preview of forthcoming titles for 2007. If you are new to these writings, we hope you feel inspired to explore the radical perspectives contained in these books.