The Annual Diagram
Price 16.64 - 29.78 USD
The Annual Diagram, or, as it is more commonly know, the 45 degree graphic ephemeris, is a tool that has been with us for several decades, yet it still not as widely used a tool as it ought to be. This is unfortunate because it appears to be one of those situations where reluctance to change and adopt new techniques has deprived many astrologers of a method that would truly assist them in aiding both themselves and their clients… Ebertin takes the reader through a series of case studies in which the graphs are shown to be a powerful aid in determine the nature of events. In many instances the cases used are ones in which events were in fact foretold prior to the event. These are not merely after the fact analyses. Also many of the cases are drawn from actual counseling situations so that the reader can see how the graphs might be used in practical work.