The Dean Burgon Societies Messages From the 30th Annual Meeting, #18 in a Series

This is a collection of many of the messages delivered at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Dean Burgon Society in 2008. Topics such as "The Basics of Bible Defense," "Wycliffe Controveries,"Why Battle Over Bible Versions," "A Review of the Revision Revised," "Inspiration & Perservation," "How Long Did King Saul Reign?", "The Apostles Doctrine," "A Brief Sketch of the History of the Arabic Van Dyke Bible," "Bible of the American Indians," "Spanning the Centuries," "The Cost of Truth," "Departures From the Traditional Reina Valera Bibles," "Why I Use the Reina Valera Gomez Spanish Bible," "The Influence of Gnosticism on Bible Versions," and "The Brilliancy of the King James Translators Revealed" are included.