The Cross and the Cow Belt of India

The "Cow Belt" of India, so called because the majority of the people living in this region consider the cow to be sacred, stretches across the central plains of India. This land, the birthplace of Hinduism, is one rich in history but long ruled by superstition, false idols, the caste system, and the pursuit of nirvana. Through the arrivals of St. Thomas at the coast of Kerala in A.D. 52, Vasco da Gama on the west coast of India in 1498, and William Carey, the father of the modern missionary movement, in Bengal in 1793, God opened the door for Christianity to enter into the country, but yet even today, many in India"s heartland still worship a myriad of other gods and goddesses. Given Christianity"s past inroads, why has it not been able to successfully penetrate this region? And now that the Indian government has closed the country to foreign missionaries, how can native Christians fulfill Christ"s commission to preach the gospel to all people-including those in the Cow Belt? In "The Cross and the Cow Belt of India," author Paul Pathickal, who lived in the region for fifteen years, seeks to answer these questions by surveying India"s unique history, religious system, and cultural distinctions-factors that make the Cow Belt one of the most challenging but ripe mission fields in the world today. In particular, he explores: • The origins of orthodox Hinduism • The Hindu scriptures • The many gods in Hindu worship • The doctrine of karma and rebirth • The caste system and politics in India The people of the Cow Belt can be reached for Christ, and in this book you will discover proven and practical strategies for how this can be accomplished. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in Indian missions!