The Three Rs: The View of a Common Man

Christianity is a critical religion. It is not represented this way in the modern era, but it is none the less. A modern Pastor of a mega-church refuses to preach on anything controversial. If Christ had possessed this attitude we would have no churches, no charity, no love, and no reformation. Christ was filled with controversy and his people (the Jews) insisted that the Roman kill him. They did. The book The Three Rs is an answer to this modern error which is propagated by friend and foe alike, The Scriptures represent the religion and people as salt, light and darkness, good and evil. This is controversy. The writing of the Reverend Danforth have received much attention recently because he is an Episcopal Priest, ex-Senator, and good Republican. He is in favor of everything from homo-sexual marriage to creating life for its destruction to save the life of living human beings. He says that he is opposed to abortion (without definition). The Three Rs simply asks people to return to the Bible for answers to all questions pertaining to man, especially his origin, purpose, and destiny. It is built around the ideal question: Can Christianity and radical liberalism co-exist? There is nothing wrong with liberalism in its pure form but radical liberalism of today will destroy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. George Washington and his continentals were all liberals. However, their conception of liberty and freedom differ from the definitions of today as far as night from day. The first President of the United States always understood that if "God build not the house, they labor in vain that built it." There is but one answer and that is a return to the three Rs which is a return to revival, reformation, and restoration. This will produce a renewal of the American spirit and a revival of thing "sacred and divine." All of this is formed from the ideas of faith, hope, and love which are eternal truths. We live in what some believe to be hopeless times, but for the believer in God we live, breathe, and embrace hope and optimism. I do not know the destiny of the United States but I do believe, understand, and know the destiny of the people of God. We are saved by the grace of God but that does not exclude our faithfulness and obedience. The Three Rs cover these topics. May all of it be faithful to His Will and Word.