The Pattern of Church Planting
Price 9.99 - 16.13 USD
"This book, The Pattern of Church Planting, gives the scriptural pattern for starting or planting a new church. It is not difficult to follow this scriptural plan as this book very clearly lays out from the Scriptures." M.L. Moser, MRE, DD -- Editor of The Baptist Challenge, Little Rock, AR "This book presents a new and unusual analogy to describe and explore church planting which may garner some needed attention from jaded pastors, missionaries, and churches." Roy F. Dearmore, MD -- Veteran Missionary, Garland, TX "This book is a wonderful exposition of the pattern that God wants all churches to fulfill and follow. May the LORD captivate your attention as you read this book as well as light a path for your church to follow The Pattern of Church Planting." Jeremy R. Taylor, DRE -- Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, Duncan, OK "Read this book, put it on the shelf between your books on Ecclesiology and Missions - then lend it out often." James R. Love, MA -- Pastor of Southland Miss. Baptist Church, Cincinnati, OH "The reader will find this an extremely thought provoking read. The book lays out, from the Scriptures, some thoughts that should be required for pastors, church planters and church congregations alike to thoroughly know before launching out into birthing new churches." Ron L. Tottingham, PhD -- Founder of Empire Baptist Temple, Sioux Falls, SD