A Life Packed Full
Price 17.50 - 19.99 USD
These are exciting stories told by a man on a mission. After serving as an evangelist and pastor for many years, Syvelle Phillips undertook a new challenge. Through association with Cam Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators, he realized there were millions of people around the world who had never had any portion of the Bible in their own language. In fact many of these people did not have a written language. For many language groups it would be necessary to develop a written language before the Bible could be printed in their language. This meant long-term effort by dedicated translators who would go live among the people to learn the spoken language and put it into written form. He resigned his pastorate in southern California to accept this mission impossible. The stories in this book were compiled to tell the larger story of how a tall skinny high school dropout from East Brewton, Alabama, founded and lead a Bible translation ministry that worked around the world to bring Scripture to language groups who had never had any Scripture written in their own language. When Syvelle Phillips died in 2012, his ministry had touch the lives of thousands around the world. He preached in fifty states and about fifty countries. This book contains many exciting stories told in his sermons, and compiled and edited by his brother, Frankie Phillips.