Turkey Tails and Tales from Across the USA: Volume 1

This book is a collection of stories written by one of America"s most traveled and experienced turkey hunters; a man who has taken multiple toms from 49 states. Such a feat didn"t come easily, so you might expect these pages to fairly drip with wise words of wisdom and sage advice on how to hunt those wily, elusive birds...and they do. However, "Doc" Weddle didn"t write an instruction manual. Instead, he takes the reader on a trip down memory lane to recall exciting hunts which helped shape him into becoming the true "Turkey Man" that he is today. Novice or veteran readers alike will undoubtedly gain valuable knowledge here, but the author is first and foremost a storyteller, and he has written this book simply to entertain his audience in a manner reminiscent of outdoorsmen standing around campfires and sharing the colorful details of their hunts with cohorts and companions. Tom "Doc" Weddle is a carpenter from Bloomington, Indiana. Infected by the turkey hunting bug some 30 years ago, he is a man completely unable to resist the siren song of the wild turkey"s mesmerizing gobble, and any springtime morning will likely find him in hot pursuit of his favorite gamebird. Unwilling to compromise those glorious months of March, April, or May by doing anything besides hunting, this fellow has long been one of the most die-hard turkey chasers in the nation. In fact, he stands tall amongst his peers by accounting for not just one, but two U.S. Slams (harvesting a wild turkey in every state except Alaska). Even more impressive is that Doc hunts without benefit of guides or outfitters, and the vast majority of his exploits take place on public lands. It won"t hurt his feelings one bit if you call this guy a turkey hunting fanatic!