Lex Aquilia (Digest IX,2, Ad Legum Aquiliam): Text, Translation and Commentary. On Gifts Between Husband and Wife (Digest XXIV, 1, De Donationibus Inter Virum et Uxorem) Text and Commentary.

THE ROMAN LAW DEALING WITH DAMAGES, LIABILITY AND GIFTS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE The Lex Aquilia deals with unlawful and accidental damages and gives a civil remedy for damage to property. It is important as the basis of the general principle of liability to person and property in later Roman law. The Lex Aquila is difficult to interpret, and it has inspired a great deal of contemporary and later commentary. Thayer"s bilingual edition presents the text with a summary of commentary (in English) by scholars from the Medieval era through the 1920s. The second part contains the Latin text of De Donationibus with extensive notes (in English) by Thayer. James Bradley Thayer [1831-1902] practiced law in Boston from 1856 until 1874. He was the Royall Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, 1874-1883, and Weld Professor of Law, 1883-1902. CONTENTS AD LEGEM AQUILIAM (IX, 2) TEXT AND TRANSLATION COMMENTARY DE DONATIONIBUS INTER VIRUM ET UXOREM (XXIV, I) TEXT AND COMMENTARY