The Story of Western Philosophy: The Rise and Fall and Return of Reason, Volume 2

A classic treatment of philosophy and Christianity... Volume II of The Story of Western Philosophy: The Rise and Fall and Return of Reason continues the theme of Rational knowledge truth claims concerning both the Natural Revelation of Reason and the Special Revelation of the Bible, and these themes are explored in terms of Augustine"s classic work The City of God and its implication for philosophy, history, good government, and true religion in spirit and truth. All of these things raise the question of what is Kingdom Era Christianity as defined and prophesied in the Bible from the promises made to Abraham to the book of Revelation, where "the kingdoms (or nations) of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ." Again, in Volume II, this study is done in terms of Justin Martyr"s Logos Christology where the Logos of Heraclitus is the Wisdom of Solomon, is the Logos of John, is the second Person of the Trinity, and when this Logos Rationality rules over the nations on earth, this is the reign of Christ in a Kingdom Era under "the Laws of Nature and of Nature"s GOD." This volume looks at length at the three main currents of philosophy and religion that came out of the Renaissance Reformation era, namely, atheistic humanism, Protestant Bible Christianity, and Roman Catholicism and how each of these three philosophical worldviews had an attendant political theory for a supposedly desirable state, as seen in the American (Protestant Christian) Revolution of 1776 and in the French (atheist humanist) Revolution of 1789 against the Roman Catholic Church and its absolute monarchy. Further, after the 18th century Enlightenment, the validity of the Bible revelation in its main story line (the Creation, Sinai, and the Resurrection) is called into question by what is called "higher criticism." This position is generally the basis for today"s Christian and Jewish Liberalism as well as today"s political Liberalism.