Science Versus Politics and Economics - Why scientific literacy is essential

This listing of my essays and writings are presented in chronological order to show the evolution of my concerns about the interaction of science with society. A common thread flows through these essays; it is that the fundamental laws of nature comprise the ultimate reality within which we enact our lives. We may think and organize our lives as we wish, but, and it is a very big but, what we do, whatever its manifestation, is inevitably subject to those elemental laws. It is important to understand that those laws are immutable throughout the universe. When we discover them, they are attributable to the science of physics or chemistry (Biology is ultimately determined by the laws of physics and chemistry). My concerns have arisen from these common threads which infuse my writings and essays. It is my hope that they will give you pause to think on them, and to add your own thoughts and insights. Our interaction with the natural universal laws governing our little bit of the universe has now reached a point where that interaction has begun to react against us.