European Journal of Psychoanalysis 28

AVATARS OF THE CINEMA: Slavoj Žižek, Avatar: An Exercise in Politically-Correct Ideology; Sergio Benvenuto, Avatars of Otherness ; Cristiana Cimino, The Gaze on the Real: Marco Bechis"s Political Poetics. LACAN AGAIN: Uri Hadar, The Analysis of the Real; Antonello Sciacchitano, Lacan, Subject, Object. REVIEWS: Christopher Bollas, The Evocative Object World, by Antonello Correale; Ruth Leys, From Guilt to Shame: Auschwitz and After, by Janet Thormann; Didier Fassin, Richard Rechtman, L"Empire du traumatisme. Enquête sur la condition de victime, by Cristiana Cimino; Lorenzo Chiesa, Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan, by Tom Eyers.