The Lost Mandate

The Lost Mandate is a clarion call to the Church for Christ-followers to man the battle stations to carry out this specific yet neglected commission of Christ as recorded in Luke 14:12-24. This is gut level, non-glamorous social and spiritual justice of the scary and lowly kind. Readers are dared to respond if they are willing to learn of the cost, to count the cost, and to pay the cost by joining Christ in fulfilling The Lost Mandate in reaching the world"s 1 billion people and their families who are affected by disability, the largest under-reached grouping of people in the world. Surprisingly, the larger context to this mandate demonstrates how our weaknesses are God"s opportunity to bring the Gospel powerfully and effectively to an increasingly skeptical and disbelieving world, and how our own religious attitudes stand in the way of ministry to the marginalized. Woven into the text are vignettes from the author"s incredible life story about the redemption of God through loss, pain, suffering and weaknesses, while reflecting his lifelong passion for evangelism and missions, especially to the marginalized - those very people to whom Jesus devoted most of His time and attention. Author Bio: Dan"l C. Markham has devoted his professional life to planting and growing churches and nonprofit Christian ministries. An ordained Baptist minister most recently Dan"l served as Director of Partner Engagement at OneHope, a worldwide ministry bringing God"s word and hope to millions of young people every year. Previous to OneHope Dan"l served at Joni and Friends from 2001 to 2010, as Director of U.S. Field Services and then Managing Director of Field Services. Rev. Markham has served as a nonprofit executive director, Washington State county commissioner, director at an international Christian relief organization. He has authored numerous newspaper and journal articles and was a contributing author for Disability Advocacy Among Religious Organizations - Histories and Reflections. Markham"s first book The Cultic Phenomenon: A Revealing Look at Ourselves (Lion Publishing) covers the misuse and abuse of religious power. Dan"l and his wife, Colette, have seven daughters and six grandchildren. Dan"l loves to laugh, make people laugh, write and ride the open road on his motorcycle. keywords: Christianity, Religion, Disabilities, Ministry, Handicapped, Outreach, Missions, Christian, Christian Mandates, Healing