The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics - Shemonah Perakim: A Psychological And Ethical Treatise (Hebrew Edition)

The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics (Shemonah Perakim) by the Rambam Maimonides’ Introduction to his Commentary on Avot, the Eight Chapters (EC), has long been lauded as the best introduction to Maimonides" philosophy, perhaps the best introduction to Jewish philosophy as a whole. Mosheh ben Maimon acronymed RaMBaM or "Rabbeinu Mosheh Ben Maimon", "Our Rabbi/Teacher Moses Son of Maimon"), and Latinized Moses Maimonides, was a preeminent Spanish, Sephardic Jewish philosopher, astronomer and one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars and physicians. He was born in Córdoba Spain and died in Egypt. He was a rabbi, physician, and philosopher in Morocco and Egypt.