Orientations: Space / Time / Image / Word. Word & Image Interactions 5 (Textxet 48) (Textxet Studies in Comparative Literature) (No. 5)

Based on papers presented at the Fifth Triennial Conference of the International Association of Word and Image Studies (IAWIS/AERTI) held in 2002 in Hamburg, the twenty-two essays in this volume cover a wide array of intermedial relations and a great variety of media, from medieval architecture to interactive digital art. They have been arranged in sections labeled “History and Identity,” “Cultural Memory,” “Texts and Photographs: Cultural Anthropology and Cultural Memory,” “Mixed-Media Texts: Cartography in Contemporary Art and Fiction,” “Mixed-Media Texts: ‘Yellow-Cover Books’, Artists" Books, and Comics,” “Intermedia Texts: Logotypes,” and “Space, Spatialization, Virtual Space.” Displaying a range of methods and interests, these contributions by scholars from Europe, the United States, and South America working in different disciplines confirm the impression voiced by IAWIS president Charlotte Schoell-Glass in her introduction that “the influence of Visual and Cultural Studies has changed the outlook of many who study the interactions of texts and images”. Table of contents Charlotte SCHOELL-GLASS: Introduction History and Identity Pamela J. WARNER: “To Paint the Color of Things”: The Goncourt Brothers and the Pictoriality of History Lauren S. WEINGARDEN : The Mirror as a Metaphor of Baudelairean Modernity Valentin NUSSBAUM : À l’ombre des portraits en fleurs: Symbolisme et troubles de l’identité de Whistler à Hitchcock Andrea GRUNERT : L’Histoire transformée en légende: Andrzej Wajda et la Pologne idéalisée Cultural Memory Marijke JONKER : “From Death and Despair to Hope”: Géricault, Poussin, and Cultural Memory in France Stephanie A. GLASER : “Deutsche Baukunst”, “Architecture Française”: The Use of the Gothic Cathedral in the Creation of National Memory in Nineteenth-Century Germany and France Nathalie ROELENS : La Représentation de la barbarie en littérature, en peinture et au cinéma Texts and Photographs: Cultural Anthropology and Cultural Memory Étienne SAMAIN : Les Risques du texte et de l’image: Autour de Balinese Character (1942), Gregory Bateson et Margaret Mead Rebecca J. DEROO : Boltanski’s Display at the Documenta 5: Personal or Cultural Memory? Ursala REIDEL-SCHREWE : The Burial Place of Heimat Mixed-Media Texts: Cartography in Contemporary Art and Fiction Christina LJUNGBERG : Cartographic Strategies in Contemporary Fiction Susanne DÜCHTING : The Interaction of Art and Cartography in the Work of Simon Patterson and Susanne Weirich Mixed-Media Texts: “Yellow-Cover Books”, Artists’ Books, and Comic Strips Fumiko T. TOGASAKI : Defiance from Within: Cosmopolitan “Innovators” in Isolated Feudal Japan Regine RAPP : Tango with Cows: Russian Futurist Book Art Véronique PLESCH : From Image to Word: The Books of Lucie Lambert Claude DUÉE : Là où le mot se fait image et où l’image se fait mot: Nouvelle bande dessinée et bande dessinée d’avant-garde Intermedia Texts : Logotypes Hans LUND : Alma Mater’s New Face: From University Seals to University Logos Claus CLÜVER : Mini-Icons: Letterforms, Logos, Logopoems Space, Spatialization, Virtual Space Massimo LEONE : On the QuincunX Carrie NOLAND : Graffiti and the Reinvention of Space Alan PROHM : Resources for a Poetics of Visual Poetry James TOBIAS : Gesture, Techniques, and Time: Disorientation at the Interface Notes about the contributors