Our Quaker Ancestors : Finding Them in Quaker Records

Our Quaker Ancestors sets out to acquaint the researcher with the types of Quaker records that are available, the location of the records, and the proper and effective use of those records, guiding him through the pyramidal "meeting" structure to the records of birth, marriage, death, disownment, and removal awaiting him in record repositories across the country. The work begins with a short but essential history of the Quaker movement and a discussion of its organization and structure, particularly as it affects genealogical research. Later chapters describe Quaker migrations to and within America, the special types of records available for research, and the Berrys" very own methods for locating and using those records. In addition, there are chapters on record repositories and libraries with Quaker source material, non-Quaker repositories, and Quaker sources and repositories outside the U.S., together with a bibliography, maps of selected meeting locations, and a glossary of terms peculiar to the Society of Friends. This is indispensable for anyone tracing ancestors who were either birthright members of the Society or who became members through "convincement" or marriage.