Rossiia na Vostoke: Protivostoianie Velikikh Derzhav (XIX Vek)
Price 5.75 USD
This book is a continuation of "Rossiia v Serdtse Azii: Dialog Tsivilizatsii (IX-XVIII vv.)" (2013). Like the pervious book, this one studies the directions and patterns of relations between Russia and adjoining states of Central Asia in the 19th centuries and Russian attempts to develop an integrated geopolitical space in the period confrontation between the Russian and British empires in the frame of "The Great Game". The author describes the political, diplomatic and military measures to preserve Russian influence and security near the borders in the Central Asia, the Russian initiative of creating the Triple Entente during the Herat crisis which formally was between the England and Iran but factually between Russia and the British empire. (0.765 kg.). Also available by the author: Poisk Konsensusa: Rossiisko-Khivinskie Geopoliticheskie Otnosheniia v XVI - Nachale XX v. (2010); Rossiia v Serdtse Azii: Dialog Tsivilizatsii (IX-XVIII vv.) (2013).