Anger Management for You
Price 15.95 - 17.15 USD
"Anger Management For You" is the complete answer that will show you how you can deal with your anger. If anger is causing problems in your personal, social or business life and you know that it"s time to do something about it, then "Anger Management For You" is your introduction to a simple and effective process that will let you manage anger. This book is based on many years of research and work performed by the author Robert Agar-Hutton and the many anger management trainers and coaches that he has trained. The most important feature of the process is that it is easy for anyone to do and is based on the premise that most anger is a habit and habits can be changed. Too often people want to change but don"t know how, or they know how but don"t have the tools to generate change, or they have the tools but can"t get around to actually using them. Robert Agar-Hutton"s comprehensive yet straightforward book will guide you through the complete process giving you information and simple to follow methods that will quickly and easily allow you to overcome your unwanted anger habit. All it takes is your wanting it, if you want it, then get this book and start reading it and removing your anger today. "Having been involved with anger management, mediation and restorative justice for many years, it"s a delight to have this book as a tool to work with. It is such a simple yet powerful answer to the anger that affects so many people." -Sue Holmes, Medway Mediation.