Driverthink. Reality Based Driving Tips, Ideas and Suggestions for the Everyday Driver.

Driverthink is not just another "Go Slow" Safe Driving guidebook. Within its pages are reality based driving tips, ideas and suggestions that can literally save your life! For too long, the focus on safe driving has been to expound "Politically Correct" driving concepts that simply don"t take into account the Reality of driving a vehicle at high speed on modern roads and highways. Otherwise responsible people don"t suddenly shed their responsibility when they slip behind the wheel. But they don"t often really think about their driving either. Thus the title "Driverthink." In order to be responsible, safe drivers, we need to think about our driving. We need to know our machines, know our limitations, maximize our driving skills and gain driving experience as quickly as possible. Driverthink breaks new ground by exploring each of these areas in lively, entertaining detail. Drive Fast or Drive Slow - but "Driverthink" when you drive! Driverthink is a collection of articles from the popular blog of the same name. Written in a lively and entertaining style, each of the articles explore specific driving situations or issues in detail, offering driving tips, ideas and suggestions on how to deal with the different situations. Driverthink is an excellent review for the seasoned driver and a must read for the newer, less experienced driver. Driverthink would suggest that Speed may kill, but unskilled driving can definitely kill. Does the average driver even know what over steer or under steer are? Do they know what kind of rear suspension they"re driving on? Do they really understand how these most basic driving concepts will affect the handling of their vehicles - especially in an emergency situation? Driving on our roads and highways must be about reality. It is dealing with that reality that will keep us alive. Following "standard issue", politically correct advice offered by those with limited skills and no appreciation for the realities of driving, simply doesn"t create safer driving. "Just Slow Down", might not be the best advice on a highway where even the slow lanes are doing limit plus ten. High speed rear end accidents can really ruin the day and excessively slow driving will most surely restrict traffic flow. Perhaps it"s not the best advice after all! Driverthink is a most serious effort by the author, to start really saving lives on our Highways and Byways. It will help you to become a much safer "Driverthink" driver! It may even save your life.