Incorrect Inhaler Technique Compromising Life of Asthmatic Patients: Incorrect Inhaler Technique and Associated Factors Compromising Quality of Life of Asthmatic Patients

In third world countries due low level of education resulting in a large percentage of patients used inhaler incorrectly.The education level of patients had significant relationship with incorrect inhaler technique. Improving the education level of the society will improve inhaler techniques. The study is indicating the need to promote education level in third world countries and also awake up call for the health poly makers to introduce health education program about asthma and inhaler technique in their priority list. The short-term solution to this problem is effective patient and provider education. Health education efforts to teach patients how to use inhaler correctly should be stepped up. One example is use of labels with correct technique instructions on inhaler devices. There should be complete descriptions of inhaler use in text-books of both nurses and doctors.