Istselenie Iazyka

This is a collection of works by academician Fedor Buslaev (1818-1897), a specialist in the lives of Russian Orthodox saints, old Russian painting, Church Slavonic and Old Russian languages. He was the first professor of the Moscow University who taught a course on the history of the Russian language. The main part of this book is given to his work "On the Influence of Christianity on Slavic Language" (pp. 9-123). Also included are his works about Old Russian literature and arts, spiritual literature, original icons, folk books and lubok, etc. 32 illustrations. Also available by the same author: Drevnerusskaia Literatura i Pravoslavnoe Iskusstvo (2001); Moi Dosugi: Vospominaniia. Stat"i. Razmyshleniia (2003); Istoricheskaia Khrestomatiia Tserkovnoslavianskogo i Drevnerusskogo Iazykov (2004).